Sunday, March 1, 2009

I love me (Part II)

In continuation to last week's post, I would like to share a few tips you can use to help you learn to love the wonderful woman you are.

These are just some of the things I've done that have help me through this process:

1. Analyze yourself
Be honest with yourself and understand how valuable you are as a human being (not just as a mother). You are precious, delicate and the most amazing being on earth. God only makes great things...and He made you. Yes, despite the mood swings and hormonal roller coaster we go through when approaching that time of the month. :)

2. Treat yourself with love
The way you treat yourself will condition the way others treat you. This one has been mayor for me. I would always expect others to love me the way I thought I deserve to be loved, until one day I realized I was the one to set the bar by loving myself how I wanted to be loved. If you believe you deserve to be loved, then wait no on you and looooooove good!

3. Forgive yourself
We are not perfect. We all have made and still make mistakes. Yeap, even us Moms...
Forgive yourself for not being "the perfect mom" you think you should be. All the time, while I'm waiting for my kids to get out of school, I talk to a few other moms. Let me tell you, sometimes I hear all these things they do for their kids and how they count every strand of hair their child has (figuratively speaking;) and how...I mean crazy stuff. I ask myself how can they do all that and I can't? How many hours do their days have? When do they shower? and then I've also asked, Am I as good of a mom as they are? These kind of conversations can mess with your head but is up to you to not let them. There is not such a thing as a perfect mom because there is no such a thing as a perfect human being.

4. Stop self-criticism
Criticism breaks you down, but praise builds you up beyond believe. I AM A PRINCESS! What about you? When we speak negatively over ourselves it becomes a reality. If we are constantly talking about what's wrong with us we will never be able to fix it. When we speak, we create.
Speak great things about and over you and you'll see them come to pass. We all have things we would like to change about ourselves but talking negatively is not going to do it.

There is so much I would like to say but I better stop here, I really want you to come back so maybe I'll touch on this next week or maybe you all get the point. The bottom line is that once you learn to love yourself just the way you are, you will stop being a sponge absorbing all kinds of negative things to your life and will become a magnet attracting LOVE. As I said last week, loving yourself is the best gift you can pass on to your children.

I hope today you can say the same thing I now say "I LOVE ME".

Love you all
Until next week.