Monday, March 16, 2009

If This Is It, Is Mama Happy?

What if you were told that this was it? That the job you have today was the job you'll have for the rest of your life. That the financial status you live today wouldn't get any better. That even if you ate almonds and drunk water all day your weight wouldn't change. That this was it for you. Would you be happy?
About three years ago I was confronted with that question. I was really miserable around that time because I didn't have everything I wanted to have. Had a house but I wanted a bigger one. Had a very nice car but I wanted the latest model. I would not see everything I already had, but instead, I was focused on what I didn't have. Glass was half empty. One night, my gorgeous husband (and he really is) and I were having a very deep conversation about life and he said; " you know what, if I were told that this was it for me, you know, money, things, job...I would be OK, I'm happy." At that point I realized that I couldn't say the same and that made me feel so ungrateful. Days went by and his words were still in my mind so I decided to count my blessings and be thankful for EVERYTHING I already had: a great husband, gorgeous and healthy kids, a house and things. I realized how fortunate I was.

That's what I want to leave with you today. In other to get yourself back you need to be happy where you are NOW. You need to enjoy the life you have now. look at the positive in it, the good not the ugly. Notice how that glass is actually half full. For some of you is your financial status, for some of you is your weight, for some of you is your age, but whatever the situation is, stop for a minute and count your blessings. If this is the weight you are now then embrace your body and dress it like if this was it. If this is the job you have now, then respect it and be the best at it. Life is so short and everything can be taken from us in the blink of an eye. I am not saying by any means to be mediocre or to neglect your body. All I'm trying to do is encourage you to be happy while you're on the way to where you want to be. I want to be the best I can be. I want to go as far as I can go but if this is it, mama is happy. I am soooooo grateful for the husband, the kids, health, the list goes on and on.

So my question for you is... if this is it, is mama happy?

Love you all,

join me again next week.

1 comment:

  1. I agree...Mama is happy but Mama could be happier! Isn't that what life is all about finding the best, infinite, greatest, overall and unimaginable happiness EVER!!!
